CFSA Photo Gallery
CFSA 48th Annual
Dinner Meeting
The CFSA 48th Annual Dinner Meeting was held at the Cromwell Marriott on May 13 with 90 members and guests in attendance.
2023-2024 CFSA Local Presidents Regional Dinner Meeting
In response to CFSA Members who participated in the 2022-2023 CFSA VISION COMMITTEE, CFSA scheduled four (4) regional dinner meetings for CFSA Local Presidents.
The intent of this new schedule is to promote:
smaller groups that provide a more intimate and personal opportunity to share similar concerns with other CFSA Presidents;
a closer meeting site in order to be responsive to the hectic and demanding schedules of administrators;
a variety of meeting dates around the state in order to accommodate after school meetings;
a stronger bond of friendships with colleagues who have similar daily challenges and solutions;
a stronger UNION of professional educators with simiar interests who value STRENGTH IN NUMBERS!
We know it is important to meet face-to-face with our Local school leaders in order to hear their concerns, share our updates on representing their needs and views at the State level, celebrating their hard work and accomplishments, and providing support for their wellness in an increasingly demanding and difficult profession.